A degree from 全球十大网赌正规平台, 服兵役, and an entrepreneurial drive have all fueled the ambition of Jason Ray ’08. Eleven years after graduating from Trinity, he is co-founder and CEO of 无纸部分, a Boston-based startup that produces manufacturing software to streamline the customer service process. Ray has grown the business by recruiting high-performing staff members through a robust internship and hiring initiative that includes Trinity students and graduates. Bantams representing four class years work in the company, both as interns and full-time employees.

无纸部分 CEO and co-founder Jason Ray ’08
无纸部分 CEO and co-founder Jason Ray ’08

“We’re pulling in students who are incredible—and highly trained in physics and engineering,雷说。. “I specifically like Trinity grads because they are personable and can interact in a business setting professionally.”

As an undergraduate at Trinity, Ray majored in economics and history, was a member of the wrestling team, and was involved in the Psi U fraternity. He depended on financial aid and noted that he would not have been able to attend Trinity without it. Between his junior and senior years, he interned under Trinity alumni Andy Merrill ’85 and Tripp Kyle ’06 at financial public relations firm Finsbury, w在这里 he gained experience working in a fast-paced professional environment. By bringing Bantams into his own business, Ray said that he enjoys having the opportunity to pay it 向前. “Those guys gave me a chance, and now I can give Trinity students a chance,他说.


Graduating from Trinity in 2008 during a dramatic economic downturn meant that Ray had to rethink his career path. “To graduate with an economics degree, we all thought we’d go to school, 然后是华尔街,他说. 在考虑了他的选择之后, Ray applied for and was accepted into naval officer candidate training school. It was in the military that Ray developed an interest and appreciation for manufacturing’s role in the national economy. “When I got out of the military, I had finished an MBA at Babson and learned a ton about the lack of modern software tools in this custom parts manufacturing,他说. He also saw highly skilled machinists spend an inordinate amount of time working on price quotes and other customer relations issues, instead of their areas of specialization. To address this need, Ray launched 无纸部分. Now in its third year, the company addresses the gap Ray saw in the manufacturing market.

Dana Wensberg, 18岁
Dana Wensberg, 18岁

As his company grew, Ray needed talent to help keep up with the blossoming business. Fortunately, he knew w在这里 to look. 通过他在全球十大网赌正规平台的联系人, he connected with Dana Wensberg, 18岁, then a junior physics and engineering major. Wensberg’s internship at 无纸部分 spanned his junior and senior years at Trinity, and he remains passionate about the opportunity. “My internship with Paperless was incredible,” Wensberg said. “I was given the opportunity and the tools to make an immediate impact. 自从我来了, my personal growth has been immense, both in my technical abilities and business acumen. I am so proud of what I have accomplished 在这里, and I cannot wait to share this experience with more Trinity alumni.” He eventually joined the company as a full-time employee and now is a computational geometry software engineer.

无纸部分 students and alumni
Sam Rotner ’20, Ben Barton ’19, and Luke Duros ’19

This began a pattern of employing Trinity interns and hiring them to join the startup. Since Wensberg came on board, Ray has formalized the process. “Part of their job offer is contingent on bringing back at least two interns who are at the top of their class,雷说. Since then, Ray has built a staff full of young talent, with significant representation from Trinity. The caliber of Trinity’s students is key for Ray, particularly given the specialized nature of his business. “Trinity students have a tenacity to educate themselves on the industry and become assets to the company,雷补充道.

Ray’s initiative at 无纸部分 represents just one of the ways in which Trinity alumni support students as they enter the professional world. 校友 and students can make new connections on the Bantam Career Network, an online mentoring and networking platform, 通过点击 在这里.

Ray said that he hopes others in the alumni network will develop similar hiring initiatives and commitments to bring Trinity students and alumni into their workforce. “I think t在这里’s something we can do as alumni to tie people in the Trinity community together,他说. “This is how I start giving back.”



Prepare to be proud to be a Bantam

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